Xfinity Connection Keeps Dropping - After seeing that my old modem/router is obsolete, i purchased. One of the most common reasons for xfinity internet disconnections is hardware and network issues. Here are some potential problems to check: Xfinity lately seems to keep dropping my connection lately for only seconds at a time. I use a vpn connection for work and it disconnects every 5 minutes. This has never happened before. Hello, for about the past month my internet connection has been dropping at seemingly random intervals. When this happens, i am unable to reach the modem from my. Internet connection keeps dropping for small periods of time. This has been going on for a month or two at this point, and i've done the usual at home fixes. After contacting comcast and having a technician inspect the lines, the issue seemed to stem from slightly elevated power levels on the uplink side. Pc keeps dropping internet but not wifi connection when downloading my pc has been having issues with its connection to my wifi. I am able to connect to the router with no. My internet connection drops about every 20 minutes or so. It usually comes back after about 30 seconds and the modem restarts on its own. After contacting comcast and having a technician inspect the lines, the issue seemed to stem from slightly elevated power levels on the uplink side. Pc keeps dropping internet but not wifi connection when downloading my pc has been having issues with its connection to my wifi. I am able to connect to the router with no. My internet connection drops about every 20 minutes or so. It usually comes back after about 30 seconds and the modem restarts on its own. This problem has been going on for a couple of weeks. It is infuriating because it basically renders my internet unusable.
After seeing that my old modem/router is obsolete, i purchased. One of the most common reasons for xfinity internet disconnections is hardware and network issues. Here are some potential problems to check: Xfinity lately seems to keep dropping my connection lately for only seconds at a time. I use a vpn connection for work and it disconnects every 5 minutes. This has never happened before. Hello, for about the past month my internet connection has been dropping at seemingly random intervals. When this happens, i am unable to reach the modem from my. Internet connection keeps dropping for small periods of time. This has been going on for a month or two at this point, and i've done the usual at home fixes. After contacting comcast and having a technician inspect the lines, the issue seemed to stem from slightly elevated power levels on the uplink side. Pc keeps dropping internet but not wifi connection when downloading my pc has been having issues with its connection to my wifi. I am able to connect to the router with no. My internet connection drops about every 20 minutes or so. It usually comes back after about 30 seconds and the modem restarts on its own.